my favorite people 💗

As I write this, it is currently April 26th, 2024. Yes, I am a day late to writing this blog,,, whoopsies. However, I am here to write it now and that is all that matters. I am getting kind of talking about my life in every blog, so I wanna change things up a bit. In this blog, I just want to name all of my favorite people and how helpful they are to me in my life, especially since I have been struggling a bit lately. So, let’s talk about it!

To start off, let’s talk about my school friend group! My friend group includes Grace, Aubrey, Parker, and Salomé. I feel that our group has definitely had its ups and downs in the past. But I think that we’re at a stable point now. I am very grateful for each person for different reasons, but I would go way over the word limit and not be able to get to other people. So, to keep it short, all of these people always give me a reason to come to school everyday. School is definitely not my favorite thing in the world, at all actually, but my group makes me so happy and I always laugh with them, so they make school a lot more tolerable.

Next, another person that I favor is my voice teacher, Ivie! Ivie is special to me because I could not be the performer I am without their guidance and teaching style. However, it’s also more than that. Ivie is one of the few adults I can confide in, and feel I can tell anything. It’s also so useful to be able to get advice and a say from adults, because as much as I love my friends, they’re all very impulsive (like a normal teenager), so getting input from a mature adult is very helpful.

Last but not least, some of my favorite people are the people I have met while doing stuff at Plaza! I feel that the bond I have with my Plaza friends and school friends is different, but I love them all equally. Some of the people from Plaza that I feel I have close friendships with are Jade, Carter, Kaemon, McKenzie, Anna, Nevaeha, and many more! All the people I have met are very caring, and that is something I admire about them. However, they’re also very funny and always know how to cheer me up. Every time I have been struggling, I have always had some Plaza friends out, offering to help me in anyway possible, and I am very appreciative of that 🥹

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